Dear Inspired Concepts:


“I am writing to let you know how much I value the NaturaLux filters. I am a second grade teacher, and the filters were installed in my classroom this fall because I was experiencing some skin problems due to the fluorescent lights.

Since the filters were installed, I have not had the same problems with my skin. Your product eliminated a great source of anxiety for me, and created an environment in which I feel safe.


My students' reaction to the lights was quite amusing: knowing that my favorite color is purple, the girls were especially excited when they first saw the new lights. They thought it was a special decoration made just for me. One child commented that the soft, clear lighting made me look like a movie star!


I feel that the NaturaLux filters add to the peaceful learning environment that I try to maintain. In addition, I have noticed that the attentiveness of a child with ADHD seems to have improved. He completes his daily assignments and is a frequent participant in my lessons. Our recent conversation confirmed that your product is beneficial to students with a variety of learning problems.


Again, I want to thank you for creating a product that I enjoy, and for the personal attention you showed me as a customer. I recommend your filters with enthusiasm!”


J. S.,




"Thanks so much. ... we are enjoying them immensely. No more headaches! AND…we have all the lights lit. Our Maintenance Dept. solution was to turn off half the lights in each group, which gave me eyestrain trying to read anything."

B. Hauck

Illinois Central College


"Received my order of the (2) Prismatic Panels at my residence last week. They came in perfect condition because they were packed to perfection. I put them in place and found them to fit like a glove. The bathroom has never before had such an extraordinarily perfect light. It brought a natural brilliance to the entire area. My wife even remarked that I did "the right thing". I showed my neighbors that same day and they were amazed at the results.

Thank you for your patience during the ordering process. You were extremely helpful. I would definitely recommend the product to anyone.

Cal Burrows,

New Jersey

“Just needed to let you know how wonderful the NaturaLux Light Filter you turned me onto works. My emotions were on the “swing” prior to purchase. I was an emotional bag.  I swear, after you installed the light covers, I felt better by the time I left work. I had a sense of happy stability. I kind of thought that these were just another gimmick, right?  NO!  Since then, I feel like a “normal” person. My office is abundantly full of stress and emotion on a daily basis. I wish more employees would purchase them. I have to thank you for turning me on to this brilliant product.  And I really like feature that I can take them with me and that I don’t have to purchase special bulbs.

The simpler the better for me. I thank you and so does my family.”

Helen K. Scollan,


“I wanted to let you know that the light filters really made a difference for me.  The first full day under them I didn't feel as horribly bad as I had been by late morning all other days.  My eyes aren't as strained.  No headache!  My rashes are much less.  Some lesions are actually healing now.  I don't seem to swell as much in my joints at the end of the day.  My life is still a daily struggle, but at least I can have a better chance of working full time in my office.  It's all the little things that make a big difference. 



Ms. Beth L. (Lupus Patient)
Software Engineer

“Panels are installed. My principal really noticed a difference. She is thinking of ordering them for the Life skills class. The light appears to have a calming effect. I've noticed a big difference in eye strain (less) after working on the computer all day.”

Ms. Linda Gray


“I used to take Advil™ from noon until 5 o’clock when I leave work – until the filters were installed!  It was amazing because I didn’t really notice it at first.  Then, all of a sudden, it dawned on me…I wasn’t reaching for the pills because I wasn’t having headaches anymore!  As a CAD engineer, the glare reduction is great.  Excellent product.”

Ana Rodriguez


“Being a Lupus patient myself, I learned the hard way about what UV rays does to the Lupus body! I am extremely sensitive to UV rays.  I spent many years in an office situation where fluorescent lighting was abundant. I came home every evening feeling as if I had the flu. I finally had to quit because my health became so bad. 


At home, I had a fluorescent light in my laundry room and noticed that when I spent a long time doing laundry, ironing, etc. I didn't just "get tired," I became exhausted. I was given one of your lenses for my laundry room as a gift from a friend who is an electrician. I now know the difference one lens can make. 


I moderate a Lupus support group and maintain a website with information on Lupus. I try to enlighten other Lupus patients about the dangers of UV rays and tell them about your protective lenses every chance I have.  I am constantly telling the people in my group that the reason they get so tired after a trip to Wal-Mart is NOT because they did a lot of walking, but because the store is full of UV rays from all the lighting fixtures. I encourage them to wear hats and suntan lotion even indoors.


Thank you ... thank you... you have made a difference in my life.”

Brenda "Rion" (Lupus Patient and Facilitator)
Orlando, FL

“I am pleased to recommend the shaded light panels recently installed in a classroom and in three office areas in Sierra Vista High School where I serve as the principal. When I became aware of this product, I immediately thought of one of my office staff members who had to turn off her lights in her office because of the glare, eye strain, and resulting headaches she experienced when the lights were on. These symptoms disappeared after only a few days after installing the panels in her office.

The health concerns associated with fluorescent lighting have been known for some time. I can only imagine the potential effects upon hundreds of school children each year. I wanted to see if these panels would have positive results in a classroom situation. In one of our classrooms where no natural light exists, I had the panels installed. The teacher and students in this classroom report much of the same positive feedback as from my office staff member - no glare, no eyestrain, no headaches (this teacher had also struggled with the effects of fluorescent lighting).


I cannot endorse this product more strongly. I believe student and staff health and performance will benefit and improve. I only wish I had the panels in every classroom and every office.”


Mr. Bill Garis, Principal
Sierra Vista High School

Las Vegas, NV 

“Thank you for the full spectrum light filter. I have always had light sensitive eyes and with two fluorescent lights directly above my desk, it became necessary to wear a “dealers cap” while working. After installing the filter, my eyes no longer feel the strain they normally did. Every office will be glad to have your product when they find out about it.

Keith H.


“After experiencing considerable eyestrain with my computer, I tried the Inspired Concepts filters and noticed considerable immediate results.  I plan to buy another one for my overhead fluorescent light.  I notice that my eyes do not feel as strained.  I thank you for your professionalism and personal service…”

Mr. Tom Racanelli
Website Administrator

“I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that the African Violet plant that I have sitting on my desk really loves our new lights. Believe it or not, I have had this plant for over five years. It was given to me as a gift on Secretary’s day years ago. It was in a really small pot at that time. I have transplanted it two additional times. When I first received my plant it had beautiful purple flowers all around it. Well, in all these years that I have had this plant it had never flowered again changed the covers on our lights. I have tried to feed it African Violet plant food thinking that would make it bloom. But it would never have any flowers on it. I could not believe it when I saw the purple flowers. My plant is so green and healthy looking. It is just amazing!!

Cathy Armstrong


“Just want to let you know the filters have really made a big difference in my face and head.  After a few days I could really tell the difference.  I had mentioned this to my Dr. and she seemed uninterested but after a couple of weeks she is impressed so thought you would like to know."

Thanks again,”

Ms. Barbara F. (Lupus Patient)


“Just wanted to touch base and let you know that the Tube Guards in my computer lab have definitely contributed to a reduction in my migraines!!  They haven't completely eliminated my headaches, but I know they've made a significant difference.  Thank you again so much for all your help in finding a solution that we could afford.”

Julie Cameron



“…the filters themselves are PERFECT for the job.  My wife and I adjusted them a few different ways, and settled on a particular angle (these are the diffusers that permit you to adjust brightness and the angle out of which the light shines from the T-8 tubes) as "just right".  Since then, when neighbors or family come into the house, they remark at how "perfect" the light in the kitchen is.  We don't even mention that we made a change.”

Dave H.

“…I just wanted to let you know I am pleased with the Naturalux light filters. They definitely make a difference especially when placed over a regular fluorescent bulb. They do greatly improve the quality of light as well as cut down the glare significantly. We are still evaluating the filters for use in our lighted inspection module. The feedback I have received so far is very positive... Thanks!

Leon B.


“I have had full spectrum lighting in my classroom for the last two weeks.  I have been really pleased with the quality of lighting in the room.  It’s been easier on my eyes and created a more comfortable atmosphere for my students.  I feel like it’s been helpful in creating more pleasant moods and contributing to student achievement.

I’ve spent some time talking to each of my six classes about the lights and asking for feedback.   In each class I usually had one student notice and point them out.  The general consensus by all was that they liked the look and feel of the lighting and they all agreed that the light was softer and easier to see in.


I’m really happy with the new lights.  I feel like they have been a positive contribution to my classroom.  I recommend the use of these lights in all classrooms.  When I point out the change to other teachers they are impressed with what they see and express their own desire to have them.  I think teachers across the district would be pleased to have these lights in the classroom.”




“I've had the new and improved lighting in my room for a month or more by now and I've been really happy with the change.  The lighting in my room is softer and easier on my eyes.  Also, the atmosphere in the classroom seems more inviting.  I've had students comment on how the room looks different and I've asked two of my classes how they liked it.  Most of the students hadn't realized a difference until it was pointed out to them and then most agreed the lighting was easier on their eyes.  I really feel like the new lighting has made a positive contribution to my classroom because it's put me in a pretty good mood!  And let's face it, when Ms. Walker is happy so is the rest of the group....”


Ms. Michelle E. Walker, Biology Teacher

“...I have already installed the diffusers. My two colleagues had no idea things could be so much nicer in their cubicles!"

Janet McKensey

Fiscal and HR Coordinator

OSU Alumni Association, Inc.





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